Custom vector maps with OpenMapTiles and TileServer-GL

1 February, 2022

In this post we're going to setup and display our own vector maps with custom styling using free, open source software. This solution is ideal for experimentation and prototyping but may not scale well in production. For simplicity we won't integrate this into any framework, but the fundamentals here will be applicable to most frameworks.

As always, the full code is available on GitHub.

Building Tiles

First we need to source our data and process it into tiles that can be served efficiently. OpenMapTiles provides both an open source schema for these tiles and tools to build them from OSM data. I ran into difficulties running it on Windows, however on Ubuntu the process was quite straightforward.

Start by cloning OpenMapTiles:

$ git clone

Open .env and look for the zoom parameters below. For this demo I will increase the MAX_ZOOM to 14, so more detail can be seen when styling the maps later. This will generate files of exponentially larger size so you may wish to use the default setting first before applying this step.

# Which zooms to generate with make generate-tiles-pg

Now we can use the convenient quickstart utility to download and build our tiles to data/tiles.mbtiles.

$ ./ scotland

This will take some time, especially if your zoom level is hight, so be patient and go grab a coffee. ☕

Serving Tiles

Next, we're going to serve these tiles to our web clients using TileServer-GL from MapBox who produce many mapping tool that are arguably easier to setup, however these are generally closed source, cloud based or require a license to use.

We're going to be using Docker to simplify the next few stages so go ahead and create a docker-compose.yml file in your project source directory.

# docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
    image: maptiler/tileserver-gl:${TILESERVER_VERSION:-latest}
    restart: on-failure
        --config /config/tileserver/tileserver.json 
        --mbtiles /tile_data/tiles/tiles.mbtiles 
        --port 8090
      - ./config:/config
      - ${TILESERVER_TILE_DIR:-./data/tileserver}:/tile_data
      - "${TILESERVER_PORT:-8080}:8080"

I like to keep configuration variables in an adjacent .env file like so.

# .env

Displaying Tiles

For this we'll use MapLibre-GL-JS an open source fork of Mapbox GL JS. Rather than fuss about setting up a web framework we'll keep things concise by linking it into a plain old html file from a CDN.

   <script src=""></script>
   <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

Note: I'm working on finishing this post soon while using it as an example to assist styling the website in general.

Creating a Custom Theme


I used this approach to display maps in Exlorer (working title).